Differnt angle of view... Not the best one...
Although the middle class has gained from recent positive economic developments, India still suffers from substantial poverty.
The major causes for poverty in India are:
*Widespread reliance on primitive methods of agriculture.
*75% of the population depends on agriculture whereas the contribution of agriculture to the GDP is 22%.
*While services and industry have grown at double digit figures, agriculture growth rate has dropped from 4.8% to 2%
*High population growth rate,
*Unemployment and Under-employment,
*Protectionist/socialist policies pursued till 1991 that prevented high foreign investment
*Lack of property rights. The Right to Property is not a fundamental right in India.
*Over-reliance on agriculture. There is a surplus of labour in agriculture. Farmers are a large vote bank and use their votes to resist reallocation of land for higher-income industrial projects.

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